Interact District Conference
Recently a group from St Paul’s Interact and Early Act clubs attended the District Conference to collaborate with students from other schools in the Rotary District.
“We learnt a variety of lessons and values from the Interact conference we attended, including how to get more people involved with Interact within the school, how to obtain a grant to help start larger activities and projects, what comes after Interact and effective ways of making our club more visible to our community. We were given more information on a variety of projects we could possibly get involved with in the future such as SpaTap, Shelterbox, the Polio Project, Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC) and more. We were also given a number of new fundraising and project ideas that other schools are currently taking part in which could be applied in the future such as a morning once a term where teachers are supplied coffee, made by the students, Christmas shoeboxes or backpacks made by each tutor to give to families in need, breakfast for senior students before some of their tests and/or Year 7 and 9 students before NAPLAN, carols by candlelight, drought angels, story dogs and more. Overall, the conference was very useful to get a wider perspective on what other schools are doing as part of their Interact clubs and how we can improve to make our team more efficient and help a larger number of people throughout the year.” – Gracie Manderson (Year 11), Interact Captain