Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

Year 7 Camp – The Journey to Team

The Year 7 Camp actively promotes the integration of new students to St Paul’s and those transitioning from Junior School, as they begin their Secondary Schooling journey. Thereby, students build a sense of belonging and establish a positive tone for the year level based upon the School’s Character Framework.

Year 8 Camp – The Journey Shared as Boys and Girls

The Year 8 Camp lets students experience working within groups across a physically challenging program. The camp challenges students physically on an individual level and demands that they work together cooperatively and take responsibility for their own and other group members’ wellbeing through sharing of roles and duties.

Year 9 Camp – The Journey toward Resilience and Self Discipline

The Year 9 Camp offers students a greater level of autonomy than camps in previous years.

The camp is linked to a piece of English assessment, completed in Term 3, which is based on war poetry. The camp provider, Emu Gully, bases activities on significant events throughout Australian military history. Although students complete activities in larger groups, individuals are responsible for their own meal preparation without direct supervision. Activities can be physically demanding and require a significant amount of team cooperation and group planning.

Year 10 – The Journey to Young Adulthood: Rite of Passage

The Year 10 Camp is the culmination of students’ outdoor education experiences at St Paul’s. In particular, the experience seeks to acknowledge the significant point students have reached in their educational journey thus far through personal reflection and celebration. A final evening ceremony, where students pause and reflect, stands as a pivotal point as students transition from child to young adult.

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