Instructions to download the School app
Did you know we have a School app?
Here you can check the School calendar, login to Parent Lounge and Student Cafe and set up notifications related to TAS sport or Music.
To download the app, follow these instructions:
- Search “St Paul’s” in your app store (Apple or Android compatible) or
- Download the St Paul’s School app
To turn on notifications for TAS sport:
- Go to settings (top right of home page)
- Choose “Subscriptions”
- Select “Sport & Extracurricular”
- Select the Sport/s for which you wish to receive notifications for.
To turn on notifications for Music:
- Go to settings (top right of home page)
- Choose “Subscriptions”
- Select “Music”
- Select the Ensembles/groups for which you wish to receive notifications for.
You can find a step, by step guide with pictures here.
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash