Altitude Day – Service Learning
Last Wednesday a group of Year 9 students travelled into City Hall to attend an event known as Altitude Day. The students who attended are all part of our Service Learning team and they were offered the opportunity to take part in Altitude Day as recognition of their contribution to the Service program at St Paul’s and the potential they have to become Student Leaders over the next few years.
Altitude Day is a Leadership training event organised by the YLead group. YLead offer this opportunity to Year 9 students around major regional centres and across the capital cities in Queensland, the ACT and New South Wales. The Brisbane event saw schools from across the Brisbane Metropolitan area come together to share ideas on leadership, learn how to develop a plan in relation to leading change and setting goals within their own schools and to hear from a number of high achieving young people who have acted as agents of positive change within their own communities.
Our St Paul’s students had the chance to meet and discuss leadership initiatives with their peers from other schools and in so doing developed ongoing leadership networks. The guest speakers who addressed the students included Jacqui Bell, an ultra-marathoner, who has completed ultra-marathon races across all seven continents in a single calendar year; Mikhara Ramsing who is a social entrepreneur working in the area of social and cultural diversity; and Ben Pettingill, a blind Athlete and motivational speaker whose unique story based on his own struggle to overcome the difficult hand he has been dealt resonated with our students tremendously.
The day was a wonderfully positive experience for our students and hopefully the lessons learned will transform into positive projects these students will lead within our own community here at St Paul’s into the future.