Term 3, Week 5 Supporter Groups Update
The 2016 SPS Football season is well under way and it’s great to see so many players running around playing this great game. The results to date have been mixed but the smiles and enthusiasm from all is contagious. The committee has also been busy coordinating a number of initiatives so please come to the next FSG meeting to hear about what lies ahead. We’d love to hear from you if you have some ideas for the Supporters Group to work on.
The next meeting of the FSG will take place on: Monday 15 August at 7:00pm in the School Library.
The meeting will cover a number of topics, including Blue Day (27th August), fundraising ideas, the Annual Football dinner (15th October) , the 2017 Football tour and running the sports canteen on the home games this season.
Everyone is welcome to attend so come along, meet other parents and support our children in their footballing efforts!
If you have any queries please direct them to [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!
Peter Deane
FSG President
Cricket Sign On is starting very soon….
St Paul’s cricketers will again be taking to the field in the Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association (BNJCA) competition commencing 8 October 2016. This will be St Paul’s 12th season playing in the competition. The BNJCA is one of the strongest junior cricket competitions in Queensland so check it out at www.bnjca.org.au.
All St Paul’s teams played some good cricket last season and recorded some great performances. The emphasis continues to be on our children having fun, learning skills and playing cricket with their mates.
The cricket teams are administered by the Cricket Supporters Group (CSG) and rely on parents for coaching, umpiring and scoring. We are grateful to the School and grounds staff for the upkeep of fields & the supply of equipment.
Sign on for the 2016 season commences on 1 August 2016 and ends 31 August 2016. Players can sign on at www.flexischools.com.au or by completing registration forms which are available from the CSG by email from [email protected]
For Year 2s and under two half seasons of cricket are played from October through to March each Saturday morning. For Year 3s and up the competition is half season till early December so players are available for their TAS and JTAS teams in the first term of 2017.
We understand nothing beats playing with your mates and we will do our very best to form teams. If teams cannot be formed in particular age groups at St Paul’s we will organise with other local Clubs to ensure the game of cricket is played by all.
Cricket Development Day
Launch of the 2016/17 Cricket Season will be held on: Saturday 1 October at St Paul’s School on the main oval.
This is a fun filled day where the teams get together and are entertained by coaches/players from QLD cricket. In recent times, we have had Brisbane Heat players also come out for the day.
Practise matches and player presentations are also the order of the day.
Lunch&Drink is provided so the CSG would like to invite all the registered players to come along and enjoy this day.
CSG Meeting
The role of Cricket Supporters Group is to engage with the school for improvement of facilities for our students and also organise events to promote Cricket@St Paul’s. We would like to encourage all parents to come forth and participate / put forward ideas so we all contribute towards improving cricket @ St Paul’s.
The next CSG meeting will be held on: Wednesday 7 September at 7pm in the School Library.
All are welcome.
For any enquires, email me on [email protected]
Nilesh Patel
CSG President
With 4 rounds completed it was great to play at home on the weekend and come away with 3 wins and a draw against Ormiston.
All teams competed in their new playing jerseys on Saturday and did their new sponsors proud!
Our 2nds are currently leading the way with 4 wins and clear first spot on the ladder – keep up the great work girls.
The next TFSG will be held on: Tuesday 23 August at 6:30pm in the School Library. All are welcome.
Gerard Yorston
Touch Football Supporters’ Group President