
Sun Protection Policy

This policy follows the authority provided in Australian National Standards for Sunscreen products, Eye and Face Protection; Playground equipment and surfacing and Sun Protective Clothing..

The Hazard – Sun Exposure

Too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun causes sunburn, skin damage and increases the risk of skin cancer. Sun exposure during childhood and adolescence contributes significantly to the lifetime risk of developing skin cancer. Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Skin cancers account for 80% of all new cancers diagnosed in Australia each year. Melanoma is the most common cancer diagnosed for 15 – 29 year olds.

St Paul’s School Policy

St Paul’s School is committed to providing a safe working environment for all our students, workers and visitors. It is our policy to support appropriate workplace safety strategies to minimise UV risk and associated harms for staff and visitors.

Sun Protection Strategies

St Paul’s School has developed the following sun protection strategies:


  • All students and staff use a combination of sun protection measures throughout the day whenever UV levels are three or above to ensure they are well protected at the appropriate times.
  • Wherever practicable, outdoor activities should take place before 10am and after 3pm, when UV levels are lower. Check daily sun protection times and UV levels to ascertain when sun protection is required outside of peak UV periods.


  • The availability of shade is considered when planning excursions and outdoor activities.
  • Students are actively encouraged to use available areas of shade when outside.


  • Students and staff are required to wear hats that protect their face, neck and ears whenever they are outside.
  • Recommended sun-safe hats include legionnaire, broad-brimmed and bucket hats with a deep crown and angled brim. Baseball caps do not offer enough protection and are not recommended.
  • Students who do not have an appropriate sun protective hat will be asked to stay in shaded areas only.


  • Parents/carers are responsible for providing students with their own SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen to be used while at school or participating in school activities.
  • Sunscreen is applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, and at least 20 minutes before going outdoors. Sunscreen should be reapplied at least every two hours, and more frequently when participating in sport, sweating or swimming, and after towel drying.
  • Strategies are in place to remind students to apply sunscreen before going outdoors (e.g. reminder notices, sunscreen monitors, sunscreen buddies).


  • Close-fitting wrap-around sunglasses that comply with Australian Standard AS/NZS 1067.1 2016, Eye and face protection – Sunglasses and fashion spectacles, Part 1: Requirements (Sunglasses:lens category 2, 3 or 4) and cover as much of the eye area as possible are encouraged but optional.

Role Modelling

  • Staff act as role models by using a combination of sun protection measures as outlined above.
  • We encourage families and visitors to use a combination of sun protection measures (sun protective clothing and hats, sunglasses and sunscreen) when participating in and attending outdoor activities.


Sun protective clothing is included in the School uniform/dress code and sports uniform. This includes clothing with:

  • elbow length sleeves
  • shirts and tops that cover shoulders, with a collar that sits close to the neck, above the collarbone
  • hats
  • appropriate sunglasses (optional)
  • other appropriate sun protective clothing.

Workers’ Responsibility – WH&S

Under WH&S requirements, all workers must follow the guidelines as set out in this policy to reduce their risk of occupational skin damage.


This policy is implemented through a combination of:

  • implementation of sun protection measures
  • effective communication procedures
  • initiation of corrective actions where necessary.


St Paul’s School is committed to the continuous review and improvement of all its operations, including this policy.

It is the responsibility of the Senior Leaders to regularly monitor and review the effectiveness of the Sun Protection Policy to ensure it is working in practice, and revise the policy when required.

Last Updated: Tuesday, 18 May 2021

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