
Online permission forms

Posted on September 8, 2017

You may have noticed that the School is beginning to roll out permission advice via Parent Lounge.

The School is excited to have information available at your fingertips and to go paperless.

There may be the occasion where a particular excursion does not suit the online format. In these cases, you will receive a traditional paper version of the form.

Important changes to note: to ensure a safe and successful excursion we require permission advice 48hours prior to the excursion date.  This allows for medical needs to be met, avoid delays in leaving for an excursion and accurate student absence data entry. We cannot accept approval on the day of the excursion via phone or email.

As the Risk and Compliance Officer I am here to help, so please email your concerns or queries to myself.  The School will send reminders and follow up during this transition. It’s important to keep your details up to date, as well as your child’s medical details, which can be easily done via Parent Lounge. Hopefully this will be very straightforward process with our friendly online system.

I am here to help and listen and can be contacted at [email protected].

Renaye Ansell
Risk and Compliance Officer

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