The frenetic end of the School year is nearly over; and so will begin the frenetic lead up to Christmas – the shopping and the stress of deciding what to buy for whom. The inevitable argument as you decide who to spend Christmas with and whose house to go to on Boxing Day. Then finally, when it is all over, we can breathe again and start to relax. Funny time of year really.
The reality is that we cannot avoid the December rush… but once the 25th arrives, we can choose to stop, at least for the day, if not until the New Year, to reflect on our lives and the lives of those whom we love.
In all the rush, pressure and stress it is easy to forget what we are actually celebrating. The real reason is glossed over, covered by metaphorical tinsel. Yet, we all know.
Christmas is a reminder of the gift of a loving God. Freely He chose to dwell among us, taking on our full human nature. He challenged the prevailing culture, laws and ways we treat each other, showing us what genuine love looks like. God’s gift, freely given, means that we can enter into a relationship with Him. Through Him the world has hope.
I shuddered earlier this week at some of the comments levelled at Western Australian MP Andrew Hastie: “Who are you to talk? You have an imaginary friend and a book written 2000 years ago.” I was saddened by the comments because if the person took the time to check it out, the evidence he/she would find it is compelling: Christmas is about celebrating the birth of a real man, who is the Son of God, who was crucified for us so we might have life to the full, and then rose from the dead so that the promise of eternity is sealed. This life is not all there is.
Why not check this message out on Christmas Day at one of the local churches. North Pine Anglican Church in Petrie is one I can recommend.
My prayer for you is that you are able to take that time, to enjoy what life is all about: family, friendships, relationships, and above all, the saving grace of a God who loves each and every one of us.
In addition to other support provided throughout the year, the School wishes to acknowledge the support provided by the St Paul’s School Supporters’ Association in 2017. We give sincere thanks for their support of Year 12 Leadership, Year 11 Safe Driving, the Junior School CoA Guest Speaker, Celebration of Achievement Awards, and the End of Year Volunteers Function.
I take this opportunity to wish the whole St Paul’s School Community a very Merry Christmas and a holy New Year. May God bless each and every one of you.
Paul Browning – Headmaster