Library Happenings – Sewing, Medieval Museum and Lego Mystery Box
It’s been a busy few weeks in the Library and Innovation Precinct.
Medieval Museum Experience
The Year 8 students enjoyed a museum experience in the Secondary Library as part of their History studies into medieval Europe and Shogun Japan. They explored authentic outfit replicas of the dress of the day, interactive multimedia, videos, posters, books, chainmail and even a human skull and taxidermy rat.
Introducing the sewing table
The sewing machines have been very popular recently, so they have been set up in the Innovation Precinct on a new sewing table for students to access before and after school and during break times. Students are creating their own designs and helping with the Junior School Christmas concern costumes.
Lego Mystery Box Challenge
The Year 4-6 students were invited to compete in the Lego Mystery Box Challenge. Each group were given a mystery box of Lego to use in their design, along with a box of colour-sorted Lego and a golf ball. Storytelling and aesthetics were the key criteria for their builds and there were some incredible builds and stories, including our winning team with their ship design. Congratulations to all teams.
The Create Space
The Create space is a popular place at lunchtimes. Students have been working on their IST projects, science tasks and creating paper mache vases. The Create Space is open before and after school and during lunchtimes for students to work on class projects, entrepreneurial ventures or to just jump in and make something.