Happy New Year and welcome to St Paul’s
Happy New Year. May I extend a special welcome to parents and other caregivers who have joined the St Paul’s Community for the first time this year. We look forward to getting to know you in the coming months and years.
I try to contribute something to each of our fortnightly e-Newsletters, to help parents gain a better understanding of those aspects of school life that I oversee – namely Faith Formation, Student Wellbeing and Community-building.
- Faith formation – As you know, St Paul’s is an Anglican school, although enrolment is not limited to those who subscribe to the Christian faith. Within our community we have members of many Christian denominations, as well as other religions, atheists and agnostics. However, as a school we make every effort to embody our Christian beliefs, in word and deeds.
Parents who are interested (and available) are invited to meet with staff for a time of prayer each Thursday morning, in the Chapel, from 8.00-8.15 am. This would be a great opportunity to make new friends, to pray for the School and one another (and to have a coffee afterwards at Sippers!)
- Student Wellbeing – You will have heard us say that St Paul’s School offers a holistic education – and we really mean it. What that means is that we aren’t just interested in our students’ intellectual development, but also in their physical, psychological, social-emotional and spiritual wellbeing. We aren’t only interested in what students are learning, but also in the kind of people they are becoming. Our approach is focussed on character development and the acquisition of virtues.
- Community-building – I often say that St Paul’s isn’t just a school where you send your children along. Rather, we are a community that the whole family becomes part of when you enrol your children. Our community consists of students and staff, parents and grandparents, past students and even past parents. There are many ways to engage with the St Paul’s community, and we are always looking for new opportunities to become more of a ‘school for the community’.
A relatively recent development is our Community Garden. All members of the community are welcome to come along and join in. We will provide you with a space in one of the garden beds if you like, or you can simply potter around in one of the common spaces. Keen home gardeners can also buy plants from our ‘pop-up nursery’, with plants for sale currently on display at the rear entry to the Tooth building.
I know I speak on behalf of the staff when I say it is great to be back at school for 2021. We are currently getting to know our new classes, and we look forward to getting to know (or becoming reacquainted with) you, their parents and caregivers.
Kind regards,
Mr Nigel Grant
Executive Director of Faith & Community