Happenings in the Library
Welcome back to St Paul’s School, 2024. It’s been so wonderful seeing all the students in the Library and Innovation Precinct spaces.
The Junior Library is open from 8am – 3:30pm and the Secondary Library and Innovation Precinct are open from 7:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Thursday and 7:30am – 3:30pm on Fridays. Students are welcome to use the space before and after school and during breaks, and to join in on the many activities happening.
Here’s what’s been happening in the Library and Innovation Precinct so far this year.
Junior Library classes have started for the year. The students are loving borrowing. Lunchtime activities are also super popular.
Exploring the Entrance Gallery in the Innovation Precinct
Year 6 Leadership Day in the Possibility Hub.
Lunchtimes in the Secondary Library are very popular, creating in the Possibility Hub, reading, playing chess, studying and playing eSports in the Connect Lounge.
Library lessons have started for the Year 7 students. They are studying graphic novels in English and have enjoyed selecting their graphic novel to read, as well as exploring the other library collections.