End of an Era
The Class of 2017 finish on Friday 17 November. For all those students, this day marks the end of 13 years of school; for some, the end of 13 years at St Paul’s School. There will be a huge mix of emotions, not just for the students but also their parents: joy, sadness, relief, fear. Where did that time go? How is it that that little person is now grown up and about to enter the world?
The role of a parent, at least in our Australian culture, is to prepare a resilient, independent person who is able to enter the world and make it on their own. Along the way, we hope we have provided them with opportunities to enable them to create their own story, their own path. We hope that we have equipped them with the courage and strength of character to forge their path.
The aim of St Paul’s School is to partner with parents to do just that, to prepare resilient global citizens with the capacity to create their own destiny and make a positive impact on the communities in which they will live and work. The Year 12 result (OP) is a very small part of an education worth having, it is who the person becomes that will be the measure of our success.
It is a privilege to work with families to support the growth of your children. The current Year 12 cohort is a testimony of this partnership. The students who leave us today are fine young men and women and I am confident they will make their way in the world.
My prayer for them as they leave is that the mystery of the God who created them, and who has prepared a purpose for their lives, will remain alive in their hearts and minds. He is a God of love, who desires all people to be in relationship with Him and each other.
May God bless each of the Year 12 students as they go from this place. May they take their light out into the all the world. May they live lives of purpose and fulfilment. May you know the love that God has for you.
Dr Paul Browning – Headmaster