CIE Update – Youth Entrepreneurs Hub Experience
On Friday, 23 October, five Year 9 students had an amazing, personalised experience at the Youth Entrepreneurs Hub. The YE Hub is located at the Brisbane Business Hub (formally the Capital) in the heart of the Brisbane CBD. These students had applied to be part of the Something Digital Schools event that was cancelled. Instead they were treated to a specifically designed program by BOP Industries focussed on fostering their creative and entrepreneurial thinking and furthering their business ideas.
They were inspired by guest speakers, visited the Cross River Rail Experience Centre, and were treated to a full VIP experience at the Centre.
We are truly grateful to BOP Industries and the Brisbane Business Hub for your generosity.
We can’t wait to see these ideas in action.
Dr Renae Jones
Please contact Dr Renae Jones or Mr Tim Osborne
Dr Jones + Mr Osborne