Car parking & COVID update
Car parking
In the recent parent engagement survey, there was a handful of questions about the organisation of traffic at the School, particularly at the front of the School.
For those entering the School from Strathpine Road, you will know that there is a boom gate that closes between 7.15am and 8.30am in the morning and between 2.30pm and 3.30pm in the afternoon. It would seem a strange thing to do, but this was put in over a year ago to address safety concerns.
The upper car park (staff car park) was becoming increasingly congested in the mornings with parents using that area to drop off their children. We had quite a number of near misses; young children walking behind cars and through the car park were nearly hit by unsuspecting drivers. The boom gate was installed to direct parents to the drop-off zone in front of the Reid Building or the lower car park.
I appreciate that the boom gate arrangement can be a little inconvenient, but since its installation we haven’t had another near miss. Children’s safety is our key priority.
While it can be challenging to get in and out of the School at the start and end of the day, we really are blessed to have so much parking on site.
COVID update
Thankfully, we went for the whole term without another lockdown in Brisbane. We have been incredibly lucky in Queensland, particularly when you compare our freedoms with those in Victoria, or other countries.
However, the threat is still with us and, sadly, will be for some time yet. May I please remind people: if your son/daughter is unwell, they should stay home and recuperate. There is a lot of illness around at the moment and it continues to be important to practice good hygiene and physical distancing.
Wishing our students a wonderful mid-year break. See you on Tuesday 13 July for the start of Term 3.
Dr Paul Browning