IMPORTANT INFORMATION: AEIOU Foundation AND School Carpark Safety
You may have seen an announcement in recent days from the AEIOU Foundation, or Federal Member for Dickson Peter Dutton, announcing the construction of a new AEIOU facility in close proximity to St Paul’s School.
The AEIOU Foundation (https://aeiou.org.au) provides early intervention for pre-school children with autism and this new Centre will cater for around 35 to 55 children.
While this new Centre will be constructed on St Paul’s land, it will be completely independent from St Paul’s School. The Anglican Diocese of Brisbane is the owner of St Paul’s School and granted a lease of land to the AEIOU Foundation to allow them to build a new facility to replace their ageing building in Bray Park.
This new facility will be built on the land to the left of the Attunga Street entrance to St Paul’s School, where one of the caretaker cottages is currently located. The new facility will be completely self-contained with their own entrance off Attunga Street and dedicated car park so disruptions to existing St Paul’s parents and traffic should be minimal.
When construction of the new facility commences (likely in late February or early March) the caretakers cottage will be relocated to the end of Attunga Street, just inside the entrance to the sports carpark.
If you have any further questions, we encourage you to reach out to AEIOU or Minister Dutton.
Carpark Safety (top carpark)
The School is blessed with generous parking. Thank you to those parents who do the right thing and follow the signs in the various carparks around the School.
The top carpark (adjacent to the Music Centre and the Chapel) is becoming quite dangerous for children. Can I please remind parents that the top carpark is for staff use only, and should only be used by parents wishing to drop off and collect their children with a large musical instrument (eg. a cello); or to access the YMCA; or to access the carpark for those with a disability.
Parents are also reminded that the Farmhouse carpark is for staff use only.
The main drop off and collection point for the front of the School is the roundabout behind the Tooth Admin Building.
The following will take effect from Monday 18 February 2019:
To help form new habits, the right turn to the top carpark will be closed between 7.15am and 8.30am. As you enter the School during that time you will only be able to turn left. Please use the roundabout to drop off your children.
If you do need to access the top carpark because your child has a large musical instrument or they are going to the YMCA, you can still access that area by driving around the roundabout and turning left at the base of the Tooth Admin Building.
Thank you for your support in keeping our children safe.
Dr Paul Browning